9.3 x 62 Journal 3rd Edition (Latest)
The list of contributors to the 9.3 Journal, reads like an All-Star movie cast. Larry Schuknecht introduces us to Herr Bock and cartridge guru and author of several books and countless magazine articles, Pierre van der Walt, is synonymous with the 9.3 Journal. The reader gets to hunt with famous Dr. Kevin “Doctari” Robertson and his Brno 9.3×62 in the Zimbabwean hunting concessions while former editor of African Outfitter Magazine, Dr. Mauritz Coetsee introduce the reader to both the 9.3×74 as well as the 9.3×62. Don “Ganyana” Heath has his last say on an angry elephant he had to put down using his 9.3×62 and a single Norma Mono solid. Frequent contributor to the Hatari Times magazine, Dr. Lucas Potgieter, hunts buffalo shoulder to shoulder with a 9.3×62 wielding Rhodesian farmer while Namibian farmer, Hercules Botha sort out a problem bull elephant on his farm.
This is a celebration of the 9.3 X 62 Mauser – that old, grand old work horse that covered generations of hunting years and still does. Its adherents are diehards who refuse to budge from the classic, old-style rifle. It is great for African plains game or deer hunting in America, with its superb accuracy and light recoil. The variety of game animals and settings makes this one of the most interesting cartridges ever produced.
This book is a must for all serious enthusiast who own or shoot the 9.3 x 62 Mauser Cartridge, and will become an important reference for the avid hunter of big game around the world who want to hunt with bullet to stop a charge! It is a full-colour book with over 600 pages of information and data on cartridge development, ballistics, handloading recipes, articles, interviews, technical information and much, much more.
This book is available as an E-book or a Paperback at our Lulu bookstore by clicking on the respective buttons below.
- Previous Editions -
These previous editions are out of print but don’t worry, some of these articles are included in the 3rd Edition (Latest) and many more!

9.3 x 62 Journal - 1st Edition
This edition was in Afrikaans and out of print

9.3 x 62 Journal - 2nd Edition
This edition was written in both English and Afrikaans and is out of print
- Testimonials -
- About the Author -
I wish I had all the accumulated experience that is compiled in the 9.3×62 Journal, but I don’t. Thus I cannot take credit for all of the contributions in this book. The participants are some who did it soon after they turned fifty, while others started at ages sixty, seventy and eighty. Yet each one of them left a unique piece of themselves on these pages. And even though we all have different stories to tell, there is one common thread – The desire to be part of this grand adventure called life, and to fill its years with memories they can cherish forever.
Nine-Three Rifles I Have Met
Once, when meeting with the late Faan Zeelie at a Big Bore Association shoot, he introduced me to a man named Johan Zietsman. I wasn’t there to attend the shoot and was minding my own business having a quiet conversation with Faan, who owns one of the most extraordinary 9.3x62 rifles I have ever seen.

9.3 Barnes-X VS Buffalo
I am a strong believer in the Barnes X bullets and have used them extensively in my .223,30-06 , .416 Rigby and my .458 , all recovered bullets showed good expansion. When Barnes launched their X Bullet in 9.3mm I bought some immediately as there...

Contemplating A True Classic African Cartridge
This very topic came under discussion once at an AIM Show some years ago when a hunter told me about his custom-built rifle. Even when his decision to have a custom rifle built was conceived, his mind...